Terms and Conditions

By accessing this website and navigating through its pages, the user (“User”) agrees to comply with the policies of Happy Pet Hospital, applicable laws, and the terms and conditions of use outlined in this agreement, both generally and specifically, in any section of this website (“Terms and Conditions of Use”). The User acknowledges and agrees that these Terms and Conditions of Use may be subject to change without prior notice.

However, any changes to the Terms and Conditions of Use will be published on this website, and by continuing to access the website after such changes have been made, the User is deemed to have accepted all the modified Terms and Conditions of Use. Therefore, Users are advised to regularly review these Terms and Conditions of Use.

If you do not agree or wish to decline to be bound by any of the Terms and Conditions of Use, you are requested to cease accessing and using this website.

1. Use of Website and Intellectual Property

1.1 The information presented on this website, including but not limited to text, images, data tables, promotions, prices, trademarks, graphics, user interface designs, and any other data in any form available on this website, as well as any content downloaded by the user from this website (collectively referred to as “content”), is the property of Happy Pet Hospital or its licensors. This content is protected by intellectual property rights and/or other proprietary rights under the laws of Thailand and/or other countries, whether registered or not.

The use of trade names, trademarks, service marks, and other marks of Happy Pet Hospital, including any intellectual property appearing on this website, for any purpose requires prior written consent from Happy Pet Hospital.

1.2 Any trade names, product names, trademarks, service marks, and other intellectual property appearing on this website, other than those belonging to Happy Pet Hospital, which are included for the purpose of enhancing the website’s appearance, are used by Happy Pet Hospital in its capacity as a website provider with no intent to infringe upon the commercial or intellectual property rights of others, unless otherwise stated on this website.

1.3 The content, files, or documents appearing on this website may only be accessed, viewed, and used by the user for personal purposes and not for commercial benefit. The user agrees not to copy, store, or download the content, whether in document form or any other electronic media, for the purpose of transmission, transfer, production, publication, printing, reproduction, modification, derivative work creation, public display, distribution, sale, licensing, leasing, or transferring any content to third parties, whether for commercial gain or any other compensation, without prior written consent from Happy Pet Hospital.

2. Disclaimer and Limitation of Liability

2.1 This website is intended solely for providing information related to veterinary and pet care. Therefore, the information published on this website (hereinafter collectively referred to as the “Published Information”) is general information and should not be considered as veterinary advice or opinions provided on this website.

When deciding to use services, users should seek additional information regarding the services available at various clinics, specialty clinics, and the fees charged by Happy Pet Hospital. Users should also seek consultation on diseases, services, opinions, or any additional information from relevant veterinarians and follow the announcements, regulations, and rules of the hospital, as well as the guidelines for using this website.

2.2 The content displayed on this website is presented on an “as is” basis. Happy Pet Hospital does not warrant or guarantee, either expressly or implicitly, the completeness, accuracy, suitability, timeliness, or reliability of the content and information, nor does it guarantee the results derived from using the content or this website, including its suitability for any particular purpose. Happy Pet Hospital shall not be held liable for any loss or damage, nor for any erroneous decisions made by users resulting from the use of this website or from applying the content and information presented on this website in any case.

2.3 Happy Pet Hospital will take appropriate measures to ensure continuous and uninterrupted access to and use of this website and will provide security systems to prevent unauthorized access to any information on this website. However, Happy Pet Hospital cannot guarantee that access to the website will be free from delays or errors, nor can it guarantee that this website will be free from malicious programs, files, or software that may damage the user’s system or data, such as viruses, worms, Trojan horses, spyware, or other harmful files (collectively referred to as “defects”). Whether these defects arise from individuals, technical issues, or force majeure events, users acknowledge these conditions and agree that Happy Pet Hospital shall not be liable for any loss, damage, compensation, costs, or expenses resulting from or related to such defects in any case.

2.4 Happy Pet Hospital reserves the right to deny users access to this website and to modify or discontinue the provision of the website, whether in part or in whole, at any time, without prior notice or any obligation to provide reasons for such actions.

2.5 The information, articles, or any content published on this website is the copyright of individual authors, which Happy Pet Hospital has been granted permission to publish for the benefit of the public. The content, links, images, or other materials, as well as opinions or views expressed in the articles published on this website, are personal opinions or views of the individual authors and do not reflect the views, endorsement, or support of Happy Pet Hospital. Users should carefully study the information and use their judgment in making decisions.

2.6 Happy Pet Hospital cannot guarantee that any advertisements on this website (if any) are accurate, complete, or free from defects. Happy Pet Hospital serves merely as a medium for transmitting advertising information and is not an agent, partner, or in any legal relationship with the owners of the advertisements appearing on this website. Happy Pet Hospital cannot verify or know the sources and/or details of all advertisements displayed on this website. Therefore, if any advertisements cause loss or damage to users, Happy Pet Hospital disclaims all legal liability and responsibility in every case.

2.7 In addition to the provisions stated in these terms and conditions, Happy Pet Hospital, its directors, managers, executives, employees, staff, agents, or consultants shall not be held liable for any errors or defects of the website or the content presented on the website, nor for any omission related to this website, whether arising from contract, tort, negligence, or any other cause, even if Happy Pet Hospital has been advised of the possibility of such damage.

Website Linking

3.1 Linking to Other Websites

This website may contain links to other websites (“Linked Websites”). These links are provided solely for the convenience of users. The presence of these links does not imply endorsement, control, or responsibility by Happy Pet Hospital. Therefore, Happy Pet Hospital makes no representations or warranties regarding the accuracy, reliability, or security of Linked Websites and shall not be liable for any loss or damage incurred by users from accessing or linking to such websites. Users should review the terms and conditions of any Linked Website.

3.2 Linking to Happy Pet Hospital’s Website

Happy Pet Hospital is willing to permit linking to its website, provided that the following conditions are met:

(1) The link must be in text form only.

(2) The link must direct to happypet-th.com

(3) The appearance, placement, or nature of the link must not damage or diminish the reputation of Happy Pet Hospital or its trademarks.

(4) The appearance, placement, or nature of the link must not create an impression of affiliation or endorsement by Happy Pet Hospital.

(5) The link must display the full screen of Happy Pet Hospital’s website and must not be framed within the linking website.

(6) The link must not imply that Happy Pet Hospital endorses the linking website or has any collaboration with the user or organization.

(7) The link must not involve inappropriate actions or content, or any material that is illegal, infringing on intellectual property rights, or harmful to the reputation, ownership, or privacy of Happy Pet Hospital.

(8) Happy Pet Hospital shall not be liable for any loss or damage incurred by website users or third parties resulting from such links. However, Happy Pet Hospital reserves the right to seek remedies as provided by law in the event of a breach of these terms.

(9) At any time, Happy Pet Hospital reserves the right to withdraw consent for any linking to its content or website and may revoke any link at its sole discretion.

. Privacy Policy

Personal information of users for using this website, such as registration information, website usage data, and other user information, is protected under the Privacy Policy. Users can find more details in the Privacy Policy

Website Security Policy

Happy Pet Hospital employs technology and security measures to protect user data during transmission over communication networks and against unauthorized access by individuals or networks. This includes safeguarding against data theft by any unauthorized system attempting to connect to Happy Pet Hospital’s network.

Violation of Terms and Conditions

In the event of a violation of the terms and conditions of using this website, Happy Pet Hospital reserves the right to suspend access to or terminate any services available on this website. Such suspension or termination does not waive Happy Pet Hospital’s right to seek remedies under these terms and conditions, including any other legal rights applicable.

Governing Law

These terms and conditions of use for this website are governed by Thai law.

The terms and conditions of use for Happy Pet Hospital were last updated on July 10, 2024.

Terms and Conditions